
Pho­to by Karen Kodish

Clare gives talks about the cre­ation of Gate­way to Heav­en com­bined with read­ings from the book itself. This pre­sen­ta­tion lasts for approx­i­mate­ly forty min­utes. The talk is fol­lowed by a Q&A ses­sion, after which Clare is avail­able for book signings.

Please con­tact for infor­ma­tion about avail­abil­i­ty and cost.

Feedback for Clare’s Presentational Talk — Gateway To Heaven

From LGBT North East Work­place Equal­i­ty and Inclu­sion Conference

I want­ed to offer my sin­cere and heart­felt thanks to you for deliv­er­ing such an impec­ca­ble pre­sen­ta­tion at the con­fer­ence. I can’t tell you how many peo­ple came up to me yes­ter­day to say how much they enjoyed your input to the day. Words like ‘amaz­ing’, ‘inspi­ra­tional’ and ‘out­stand­ing’ were used many times over. Per­son­al­ly, I agree with all those acco­lades and would add many more of my own. I was hop­ing for some­thing that would make our con­fer­ence dif­fer­ent from many oth­er work­place events – and you deliv­ered that to perfection.

Ken Mor­timer. Admin­is­tra­tor – LGBT North East Work­place Equal­i­ty and Inclu­sion Conference

From atten­dees to Clare’s talks:

  • Clare Summerskill’s pre­sen­ta­tion was fan­tas­tic. She is inspirational.
  • I was so moved by Clare Summerskill’s read­ings that I did that thing that you used to see on the adver­tise­ments – I bought the book! I gen­uine­ly was hang­ing on her every word. Brilliant!
  • Clare Sum­mer­skill – you would pay good mon­ey to hear what she had to say. Elo­quent, engag­ing, fun­ny. With­in moments of relat­ing the con­tent of her first inter­view, I just want­ed to hear more. Her skill in pub­lic speak­ing was pret­ty much insur­mount­able. And what an inspired choice of speak­er – who bet­ter to demon­strate to an audi­ence of LGBT peo­ple how far we have all come than some­one who has an archive of audio mate­r­i­al to actu­al­ly demon­strate it.